MLS CBA Expires, Nothing Changes

Friday, February 26, 2010 | View Comments

We waited anxiously. We speculated. We related every bit of scuttle we could get our hands on, and trusted none of it. And in the end, when it came to the MLSPU's announcement at 5 PM ET yesterday, nothing happened.

The statement happened, of course, but it appeared to changed nothing. The Players reiterated their disappointment with the League's position, but vowed to remain at work for the time being. For the fans, with the season rapidly approaching (and more so in Columbus), it it's an exhale moment; there will, we think, be soccer.

But the specter of a work stoppage still hangs over the league, and there is no safety net now. The CBA is now officially expired, after neither extension resulted in a new deal, and the Union declined another. The Union can legally mobilize their membership for a strike at any time now, and though there are questions over their ability to get everyone on board (i.e., do they have the votes), it behooves both sides to get the deal done. We've waited long enough, and the game of chicken hasn't helped anything.

The wisdom of the Players' decision is now the topic of debate. Did they gain or lose leverage by choosing not to strike now? Did they effectively reverse public opinion on with whom the onus lies? Or did they bluff, come up short, and now must bob and weave with the strike card to make it appear they have any power at all?

The season can go on without a new CBA, and as Kyle McCarthy points out today, the provisions of the old will hold sway for now. If you believe the Players don't have the support to strike, nothing has changed. If a deal isn't done by First Kick, and the two sides have to start meeting again for that to even be a possibility, expect more strike noise from the Union. Time will tell if they can drum up the votes to make that threat stick, of if the League decides to wait them out.

Talk about a let down. Some resolution (even a strike, I think) would have been better than no resolution.

The MFUSA no-labor-talk pledge is no reinstated. We've spent enough time on this for now, and there is plenty of other things to talk about. Back later with Deep Cuts if I can work up the energy needed.
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