A few months back, when reviewing my television service, I made a bold decision:
It was time to switch to DirecTV.
Now, there were several factors that played into my choice to switch, not the least of which was some potential savings (at least for awhile) and a wider selection of HD programming. I'm not necessarily an HD snob for most things, but I do enjoy sports in high definition; I bought the HDTV, I should get some use out of it, right?
One of the HD channels I assumed would be added to the DirecTV lineup, and the one I was most excited about getting, was FSCHD. Fox had finally made the investment in their little soccer channel and bumped up production to the current standard for signal quality; considering that Fox Soccer Channel is home to EPL, MLS, and Serie A matches, this was big, big, news for any footy freak. Finally, the glories of Anfield, Old Trafford, etc. (to say nothing of their MLS Game of the Week), would be visible in a crisp, clear picture more often then the once a week provided by ESPN.
I waited anxiously, expecting the usually-prompt DirecTV to add FSCHD at the earliest possible date. I gritted my teeth every time Christian Miles told me that a game was broadcast in glorious high definition, and I fumed when the network put the "HD" symbol in the top right corner of the screen.
HD? What HD? I don't have it in HD, so why are you saying it's in HD?!
Still, my frustration with FSC is a bit unfair. I know they're providing an HD signal, and it's not their fault that DirecTV hasn't added it; so even though they're technically lying, someone somewhere is watching the game in high def. Just not anyone subscribed to DirecTV.
Eventually, I stopped worrying about it. Even though I still saw the "HD" symbol on my grainy picture, I simply assumed that the channel would be added shortly, I'd forget about my anger, and everything would be right with the world. Besides, the DirectTV twitter account had responded to my question about FSCHD and said something about a new satellite. It had to be coming, they said it was coming. So when is it coming?
It's April, and there still is no word on FSCHD being added to DirecTV. It won't be added in May, either, according to an announcement by the satellite company on new HD channels.
I'm feeling like quite the sucker today.
I'm sure there are many of you who either don't have DirecTV or don't care about HD enough for this to be an issue. Good for you, really. But I and many others are more than a bit annoyed at this point, and I think it's time for a bit of action.
If you have DirecTV and want FSCHD, send them an email demanding it be added. At this point, all I can find is an email form through their website, which means entering your info; if I can find a direct email address, I'll update this post.
I'm sure people have contacted DirecTV about this over the course of the last few months, but we need a concerted effort here. The more emails, the better, so let's hit 'em hard and fast.
Get everyone you know involved, and give DirectTV no choice but to get Fox Soccer Channel in HD added to the lineup.
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