AmSoc 34 and Site Notes

Monday, July 12, 2010 | View Comments

The new American Soccer Show is out and available for download; the iTunes version will likely be up around the usual time, early afternoon on the East Coast.

Zach and I cover a lot in this episode, and have the help of Herald/ writer Kyle McCarthy in doing so. Kyle gives us his insight on the US World Cup run, the state of things in MLS, why he doesn't think Donovan is going anywhere, and thoughts on the returning talk of of New England that a stadium deal is back on the table...sorta.

The American Soccer Show for download.
The American Soccer Show on iTunes.

In other news, it seems MFUSA is having a problem with a malware warning in Google Chrome. It looks like this is a problem affecting all of the Football Media-affiliated sites (so if you use Chrome and visit other prominent soccer blogs, you might see it there as well); I'm working on figuring out the problem, but rest assured that there's no malware here. If you're reading this, you either bypassed the warning or don't use Chrome. If it's the latter, don't worry.

Also, as I'm always working to improve this place, I'm adding new ways for you to get MFUSA content. With the additions of quality writers like Keith Hickey and Jason Kuenle, we're offering differing perspectives and tones; Jason has done excellent work with Formula XI, and Keith's efforts with Match Fit Reserve have been excellent. That being the case, I've added dedicated feeds for each of their pet projects - links under the banner will allow you to get just FXI or MFR posts if you so choose. Obviously the main MFUSA feed will still contain everything posted. In my opinion, options are good.

We're also always on the lookout for good writers to add to the stable. If you think you have what it takes to contribute here, and can commit to semi-regular posting, drop me a line at matchfitusa(at) and let me know. If you can provide a writing sample, that would be great. Any area of American soccer is fine, but I'd particularly like to find people to focus on MLS, Division II, Americans abroad, and cultural aspect of the game in the States.

At the moment all I can offer is a piece of turf at a fairly well known blog, credentials for select matches as attainable, and other bits and perks as they come up.
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