Podcast Update

Sunday, April 19, 2009 | View Comments
Just a heads up: there won't be a podcast this week. I've had some computer issues that are still not rectified, and while I'm confident they will be at some point, it probably won't be in time to get a proper podcast together.

Hopefully I'll be back up and running very shortly.

Thanks for your patience.


Things are worse than I feared, and it now appears that the podcast with be on hiatus until further notice. I need a new hard drive, which costs money, and I'm not in the position to go out and just pick one up. I hate to turn this into a shameless begging opportunity, but any help you guys can spare would be greatly appreciated.

Luckily, my desktop issues shouldn't have an adverse effect on my blogging, so there will be no fall off on that front.

Thanks again for the support, I really do appreciate it. The podcast is fun, and I do expect to get back to it eventually.
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