Timbers fans react to USL Live news
It's not often that something worthwhile is available for free. Even when something good comes with no price tag, there is usually still some kind of catch.

Ever see that episode of Family Guy where Peter has the chance to get a free boat but has to sit through a high-pressure sales pitch for a condo in order to get it? It's a stupid cartoon, but it's not far from the truth.

In a fantastic stroke of genius, your friends at the United Soccer Leagues have decided to make their product available via internet stream for the low, low price of nothing. As a soccer junkie (and an American soccer junkie first and foremost), I find this to be extremely exciting news.

More after the "jump" (never had to use that before, seems a little pretentious). Just click "Read More" please

The USL is riding a wave of positive publicity with the success of two of their teams in the CONCACAF Champions League, and providing free online streams of their matches is a great way to capitalize on that publicity. If nothing else, the interest in the Impact, Islanders, Timbers and Whitecaps (thanks to the expansion news) should dramatically increase the league's profile.

Let's hope that people take adavantage of the situation and give USL a chance; as staunch a supporter of MLS as I am, I'm definitely for USL giving them a push. It might actually spur the league into some kind of action on their salary structure, as they'll be forced to keep up with the "smaller" league.

USL has some of the best supporters in the North American game, and it will be great to be able to see them and their clubs more often than just watching FSC on a Friday night allows.

So bookmark USL Live right now. Come on, you know you want to...

Hell, I might even liveblog a few USL games this year, and I'll certainly be keeping an eye on things. Anyone want to help me pick a team? I'm easily swayed/bought if given the right direction...
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